Goodbye 30 Rock
The Break Up
Dear Liz Lemon: While other women have bigger boobs than you, no other woman has as big a heart. When I saw you getting ready to go out and get nailed by a bunch of guys last night, I knew for sure it was over between us, and for the first time since the '86 World Series, I cried... I cried like a big, dumb homo. And if it was up to me, we'd be together forever, but there is this new thing called "women's liberation", which gives you women the right to choose and you have chosen to abort me, and that I must live with. So tonight, when you arrive home, I'll be gone. I officially renounce my squatters rights.Any girl should be so lucky right? Then Liz kicks him out when he is featured on an episode of "To Catch a Predator." Dennis Duffy played by Dean Winters, managed to make it into at least one episode of every season and rightly so, every single line of his is hilarious.
Corporate Crush
Liz finally lands a boyfriend who doesn't demand squatter's rights and isn't featured on "To Catch a Predator." Floyd DeBarber (which I am assuming is an Andy Griffith Show reference) is so amazing even Jack becomes smitten with him, so much so Liz feels as though he is taking up too much of his time. When told by Liz to back off and get his own Floyd he begins to date a "British" art curator named Pheobe, who has "Avian Bone Syndrome" which means she has hollow bones, like a bird. This is a great episode all around but the best part is when Tracy, upon finding out he is a descendant of Thomas Jefferson, decides to make a bio pic in which he stars in all of the parts. When initially being met with a no, Tracy and his entourage make their own short to convince the CEO of GE, Don Geiss to fund the film.
Black Tie
In honor of "Green Week" at NBC Jack comes up with an environmental superhero named Greenzo (played by David Schwimmer) who not only wants to save the environment but is no hurdle to big business. Unfortunately for Jack, once Greenzo's ego is inflated by Meri (sorry everyone, that's Meredith Viera) he begins to take his job a little too seriously "what is in that styrofoam cup, the earth's blood?"
While this is going on Traci decides to help Kenneth's annual party get attendees by spreading rumors that TI will be there, foxy boxing and a preformance by Fall Out Boy. This of course gets out of hand and the cast must face the harsh realities of the day.
Senor Macho Solo
Liz finally lands a boyfriend who doesn't demand squatter's rights and isn't featured on "To Catch a Predator." Floyd DeBarber (which I am assuming is an Andy Griffith Show reference) is so amazing even Jack becomes smitten with him, so much so Liz feels as though he is taking up too much of his time. When told by Liz to back off and get his own Floyd he begins to date a "British" art curator named Pheobe, who has "Avian Bone Syndrome" which means she has hollow bones, like a bird. This is a great episode all around but the best part is when Tracy, upon finding out he is a descendant of Thomas Jefferson, decides to make a bio pic in which he stars in all of the parts. When initially being met with a no, Tracy and his entourage make their own short to convince the CEO of GE, Don Geiss to fund the film.
Black Tie
The show has had tons of guest starts, but my
second favorite behind Dennis might be Isabella Rossellini as Jack's ex wife
Bianca. In this episode, Jack and Liz attend the birthday party for
Prince Gerhardt Habsberg, a Prince played by Paul Rubens who has many
disfigurements like a baby hand due to "centuries of inbreeding."
When seeing Bianca, Jack panics and tells her that Liz is his girlfriend, which causes Bianca to loose her shit. I also included the second clip below which is from the episode following "Black Tie" but
it is too hilarious to not include here.
In honor of "Green Week" at NBC Jack comes up with an environmental superhero named Greenzo (played by David Schwimmer) who not only wants to save the environment but is no hurdle to big business. Unfortunately for Jack, once Greenzo's ego is inflated by Meri (sorry everyone, that's Meredith Viera) he begins to take his job a little too seriously "what is in that styrofoam cup, the earth's blood?"
While this is going on Traci decides to help Kenneth's annual party get attendees by spreading rumors that TI will be there, foxy boxing and a preformance by Fall Out Boy. This of course gets out of hand and the cast must face the harsh realities of the day.
Subway Hero
Dennis Duffy makes his triumphant return when he saves
someone from being killed on the Subway. Jack convinces Liz to have him on TGS being
that the “Subway Hero” is now the toast of New York. Exonerated
from his To Catch a Predator mishap, “I knew that girl was eighteen. She told me her last boyfriend was Asian, and that crap doesn't start until college," Dennis decides to win Liz back. Liz eventually
realizes that she does have a strange attraction to him and easily falls for
his antics, “We’re like Ross and Rachel” Dennis tells her, “only not gay.” Convinced by Jenna to get him out of her life
once and for all, Liz turns down a public proposal by Dennis who then let’s her
know she is missing out, informing her
any girl would be so lucky to be in her place, “Last night a stripper offered
to give me a squeezer, a WHITE stripper.” Dennis, of course burns through his
fifteen minutes of fame, leaves the Stanley Cup on a water taxi and is replaced
on TGS by a parrot who saved its owner by dialing 911 and yelling “fire” but
only because he didn't know the word for rape. Many times I have strutted
around my house and proclaimed “Check this out Jeter you think you’re better
than me?” Raise the roof.
Sandwich Day
One of the things I have in common with Liz Lemon is that
you do not mess with her food, this is why I love this episode. When agreeing
to let Floyd crash on her couch for the night when he is back in New York, she
is determined to look like she is the one who got away. When Floyd finally
meets up with her she is beautifully lit in a stunning red dress and wind
flowing through her hair. Floyd, taking the bate, asks her is she wants to go
to “that rib joint you puked at,” “you’ll have to be more specific” she replies. After a lovely evening, things go sour
between the two when Floyd’s flight gets canceled and Liz realizes he has been
spreading himself all over Cleveland. She
then tells him she hopes his car blow up and storms off.
Back in studio 6H it is Sandwich Day, which is
when the Teamsters deliver delicious sandwiches from a secret Teamster hangout
to the entire cast and crew. Tempted by
its deliciousness, the writers decide to eat Liz’s untouched sandwich, even
though they know Liz has Hulk like rage when it comes to someone touching her
food (I've been there). This blows up in their face and Liz threatens to cut them all up so bad they will
have chins unless they find a way to get her a sandwich. Kenneth, Tracy, Jenna,
Lutz and Frank are then forced to compete in a drinking contest against the
Teamsters to get her another sandwich. Finally, after she feels bad about her
blowup with Floyd, she follows him to the airport and apologizes, hoping they
can remain friends, but not before she is forced to wolf down her Teamster sub
with the dipping sauce because it is over 3 ounces and does not want to throw
it away. “I can do it!” she mumbles with a full mouth “I can have it all!”
Senor Macho Solo
Selma Hayek guest stars as Jack’s Love interest Elisa
Pedrera, who plays his mother’s nurse. Concerned with a lump on his testicle,
Jack finds comfort in the arms of the beautiful Elisa. Meanwhile, in Liz’s
world she agrees to a date with a midget played by Peter Dinklage after mistaking him for a little boy and pats him on the head. As Jack and Liz are moving forward in the
romance department, Jack convinces Tracy to write a post-nup agreement to make
sure his wife Angie doesn't take all his money if they ever get divorced. Angie
begrudgingly signs it stating “I’m never gonna divorce you Tracy Jordan, I’m
gonna watch you die.” “She’s done it before Jack!” exclaims Tracy as he rips up
the post-nup and proceeds to making passionate love to his wife on Jack’s desk.
This episode isn't necessarily one of my favorites because
of the action but more because it is just moment after moment of hilariousness.
For instance, Jack tracks down Elisa at
a Quinceanera, encouraged
to join the party, he is handed a baby with pierced ears and a plate of food.
This scene always cracks my husband up because this exact same thing has happened
to him when coming to an event thrown by my Mexican family.

Liz learns through Dennis that she has a better chance of adopting if she is married. After a series of immature jokes she and her boyfriend Criss (played by the smoking hot James Marsden) decide to get married. The rest of the episode is basically Liz trying to convince everyone that she doesn't care about having a wedding and doesn't wish to be the princess that every girl wants to be on her big day. She even looks back at her young self as a flower girl (played by her super cute daughter, Alice) rolling her eyes at the happy couple. Finally, she comes to terms with the fact that it is a big day and Jack pulls some strings to get Tony Bennett to sing at their courthouse nuptials while the Duffy family provides moral support. My favorite part of the episode is when Liz shows up to the courthouse dressed as Princess Leia. "I'm a princess," she says proudly. And all dorky little girls wept tears of joy.
So there you have it, some of my favorite episodes. Sadly this list doesn't even scratch the surface of how great this show really was, but I am glad I have the re- runs but will really miss it. I can't wait to see what Tina Fey comes up with next, Blurgh!
Jenna’s mom, played by Jan Hooks comes up from Florida to
visit. Uptight because of her stage mom antics, Jenna confides in Jack that she
is worried Verna only wants money. While Jack is trying to teach Jenna how to
say no to her mother, Frank moves in with Liz and both decide to break their bad
vices (Frank with smoking, Liz with eating junk food) and to see which one can
outlast the other. Jan Hooks has some of
the most hilarious lines in this episode, for your viewing pleasure I have
listed them below.
“Wear something nice. Like a pair of white jeans
and a Dan Marino jersey.”
“Nice office, Jack. I feel like I'm in the
Martha Stewart section of K-Mart.”
“Yeah, this show will have laughter. Tears.
Topless arguments. Infections caused by jacuzzi water!”
At one point she mentions she has a tattoo of a
Mermaid, Doing it with Capitan Morgan. So good, so, so good.
I do have to admit that after season four the show slowed down a bit but it always stayed sharp. Below are my two favorite later episodes.
of Jordan
This whole episode is done
in the style of a reality show like Real Housewives. Tracy’s wife Angie finally
gets her own show and the rest of the cast is all too eager to be part of the action.
There isn’t much more I can say about the episode other than “Don’t tell me I
can’t sing what the fuck have you ever done? Who the fuck are the Beatles?”
Mazel Tov, Dummies!
The episode begins with Liz waiting to see if a
pregnancy test is positive or negative while her boyfriend offers his moral
support "If it's positive, awesome! We're having a baby. I wanna name it Frisbee. If it's negative, awesome. We're not gonna fight about the name Frisbee, and we get disco fries for breakfast, because we are sad." Best. Boyfriend. Ever. They ended up getting disco fries.
On a side note, what are disco fries and how do I get them?
In what might be his final appearance on the
show (please God let him be on the final episode), Liz bumps in to Dennis Duffy
and see’s that he is married and has adopted a baby with his wife who they affectionately
named Black Dennis.
Liz: His name is Black Dennis? That is racist!
Dennis: Yeah right Liz, the guy with the black son's racist.

Liz learns through Dennis that she has a better chance of adopting if she is married. After a series of immature jokes she and her boyfriend Criss (played by the smoking hot James Marsden) decide to get married. The rest of the episode is basically Liz trying to convince everyone that she doesn't care about having a wedding and doesn't wish to be the princess that every girl wants to be on her big day. She even looks back at her young self as a flower girl (played by her super cute daughter, Alice) rolling her eyes at the happy couple. Finally, she comes to terms with the fact that it is a big day and Jack pulls some strings to get Tony Bennett to sing at their courthouse nuptials while the Duffy family provides moral support. My favorite part of the episode is when Liz shows up to the courthouse dressed as Princess Leia. "I'm a princess," she says proudly. And all dorky little girls wept tears of joy.
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